
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Part 2--Cold Hard Economic Stupidity

In America, we are all too familiar with violence and it's widespread effect on our civilization, but where does this awareness come from? How practical are our desires for remorseless retribution to those we deem detrimental to a free society?
For instance, are the literally tens of thousands of dollars that are being stripped yearly out of every Californian’s pocket to subsidize extremely overpaid prison guards, being spent in the most effective manner? What actions are the most detrimental to our society, and what reactions are most detrimental to the legacy of American justice? What will most efficiently and effectively detour actions that are detrimental to our society?
Is it not possible that the fundamental Muslims, and our own dark-aged cultural (if not genetic) ancestors, had been on to something? In various ways simply murdering criminals for little cost, regardless of their family and loved ones’ feelings? Even one innocent victim dead or hospitalized at the hands of the reckless is indeed too many, but more practically one should ask: Who really needs our attention most? Who is the most detrimental to our society? Well, I intend to thoroughly show you here that it's not always whom you've been led to believe. I also, through statistics and scientific studies, intend to show you what the truth really is and why power, dollar signs, and race have influenced you to believe differently.


Those groups that rob the most money, cause the most suffering, and effectively murder the most

innocent people are rarely the usual suspects on the average cop drama television show. And, in fact,

 they are much closer to home than you might expect. I will now present some statistics comparing 

actions we feel are the most evil with some of those that, unfortunately, cause society the most evil. 

In this blog, the first criminal characters I will be “assassinating” will be drunk drivers; but, also 

included are friends, family members, university grads, porn-stars, and babysitters....Stay tuned