
Monday, November 14, 2016

Parallels between domestic and foreign policy

 California claims it's enforcement agencies targeted the ghettos with unprecedentedly harsh tactics and prosecuted suspects with unprecedentedly harsh laws to protect its citizens.  The 2010 CIA world factbook claims quotation mark continued Iraq he noncompliance with UNSC resolutions led to the US-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

 The UNSC is the united nations security council. If it was non-compliance that led to the war, you would think the other 4 permanent members would have also agreed to the invasion. They did not. The US did it on its own.   Despite Israeli, US and British officials manufacturing evidence in order to justify the invasion.

Californias prison system is a result of the same sort of money and power-hungry dynamic which caused the second Iraq war. A dynamic which includes lies in order for the established powers to benefit from taxpayer fear. We agree to imprison and fight each other, the wealthy elite gains strength, power, and capital.

 It is a story that has been played out countless times throughout history. Two armies were convinced to fight and die fighting each other. Those at the top fill their pockets and secured their future rule.  Lucrative deals were made amongst the elites. The profit off of the murder. George W. Bush is lies cost hundreds of thousands to die. Our own servicemen died. And our own servicemen killed. All done with our tax money. Our tax money in this way is laundered.   Always the most disadvantaged groups are the ones that suffer the most.

 Instead of murder, the trillions spent on war and imprisonment could be used to lift people away from poverty. If our elites spent more time on productive inventions instead of quick nasty schemes to increase their own money and power, many jobs could be created and funded to help people. The result would be an exponential advancement of the human race.