
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Part 7 "Promoting STD's" #2

Humans tend to judge those who seem to hold similar beliefs as them in a more favorable light. Meaning, behaviors they would condemn in others, they give the benefit of the doubt towards those they more easily identify with. Our justice system has not been immune to this dynamic. Though not reflected by our laws, when judged objectively, things like DUI's and spreading an STD are far more horrid than are most traditional crimes in modern America.
Picture this, imagine that you and everyone you've ever been friends with never drank alcohol, had promiscuous sex nor an STD. Once you've imagined this, I mean really stopped reading and pictured this as your reality, then think about that race of reckless people who do drive drunk, and manipulate their way into frequent sexual encounters, wouldn't you want to just give them the death penalty regardless? Now, imagine that combined they kill more than 37,000 American, including innocent children, each and every year. Which is drastically more than any other two crimes combined. Carjackers kill less than 15 people a year. Do those that are murdering 37,000 Americans each year still deserve no prosecution or prison? All the Muslims in the world haven't killed half that number of Americans in the past (10) ten years, combined!
As for the future of America, is it Justice that labels inner-city kids "street terrorists" when all gang-related killings don't even equate to 1,000 people?
But don't stop there, no other violent crime in America, according to the most recent statistics, kills that many people yearly.
But, DUI's do! In 2004, they were responsible for 16,694 murders in America. Oh, what, they weren't "murders" because they didn't intend to kill anyone? On the face I could agree with that, but...
Do you think that most carjackers and robbers intended to kill anyone when they woke up that day? Like the inner-city robber that the 10-20-Life Law gives two strikes and 22 years minimum to for shooting a bullet (anywhere but at a person) into the ground? Well, the law treats it as an accident that he shot it into the ground instead of at a person. where for drunk driving has also been treated as an accident even when the drunk driver kills an innocent family, in this case, people have gotten (6) six years in prison.
Shoot a bullet into the ground and steal a wallet, get a minimum of 22 years in prison; remove the existence of a whole family (except the grandparents) and you can still get out while you're in your 20's. I'm sorry, but if that's the pinnacle of justice in the "free" world, I would hate to see its valley.*

Certain STD's promote the likelihood you will further contract an even more serious or deadly STD. But we will never see (10) ten-year enhancements on them.
Uninhibited group sex and sexual gang-bangs have been rightfully deemed very risky behaviors. And - as crazy as it sounds — per capita active participants of this form of gang-banging and the like, can very well be responsible for far more death (past, present, and future) than all the Bloods, Crips, Hispanic, Asian, and White gangs combined. But the Bloods and Crips usually just shoot rob and kill each other.
Gang members, in general, are usually pretty easy to spot. Whereas porn stars, swingers, those who've participated in drunken orgies or just have a lot of promiscuous sex, usually look just like -or often better than- the average American. Making them all the more dangerous.
Not only that but if a Crip goes and robs you, it usually doesn't mean you will become a Crip. However, like vampires, mix some bodily fluids with someone who has herpes and/or syphilis during a one night stand, chances are you have become a threat to everyone you, and they, enjoy (or would believe they would enjoy) becoming intimate with.
STD's don't need a license to drive, passports to travel, keys to enter, or age limits to avoid. No single crime in America kills even 1/10th of what either DUI's or STD's kill.
And without effective and responsible treatment (not to mention expensive) on a case by case basis, can spread exponentially, victimizing innocent humans for centuries.
While "studio gang banger" rappers, like "The Game" may promote criminal activity; Jenna Jameson walks the walk. What's a more dangerous picture than unprotected group anal sex? Well, she'll do it, on video, and I can all but guarantee some of our own lawmakers and public officials have put money in her pocket by buying these same videos.
Everyone knows condoms can be compromised. And yet, many people are capable of, in the right circumstances, and have engaged in knowingly placing an innocent human being (whether their spouse of new sex partner) in jeopardy of a death sentence, solely so they, in pure greed, can comfortably get their rocks off. Is this not one of the evilest of criminal acts?
I say this because sex usually requires a perceived shared feeling of trust, and at the least is a very close and intimate act. 
The following is a  very possible but hypothetical story: A very competitive and distinguished senior at a prestigious university finds out he has HPV but shows no continuing symptoms. He naturally only confides this to his best friend back home. A few
months go by and he ends up having sex with an extremely beautiful freshman. The kind of girl you'd be crazy to say "no" to. Well, about the 3rd or 4th time of them having sex through the night, the condom breaks. He graduates and goes on to help write the 3 strikes law, which sends people to prison for life, who have never hurt another person ever in their whole lives.
Around the same time, the law is taking a noticeable effect, a beautiful woman who is now a senior at her prestigious university dies of cervical cancer as a result of an HPV virus she had somehow caught when she was an 18-year-old freshman.
*Unfortunately ironic is the fact that often the same people yelling "freedom isn't free" are the ones supporting policies ensuring "Justice isn't Just". Though unbeknownst to most, these sorts of media parrots are the perfect soldiers in a battle against themselves as they fight against their freedom, and even their children's, while unwittingly supporting the wishes of the Corporatocracy--but, I digress, that is another subject.