
High Political Hypocrisy

High Political Hypocrisy
By Joseph A. Fischer
Joint Smiling drawingSometimes I get slightly conflicted when pondering our so-called “Representatives” in Office.  For decades now, countless political spokespeople and talking-heads have asserted that legalizing marijuana (and to a lesser extent, harder drugs and prostitution) would be a good thing because of the tax money which would be generated. but if it is free money that makes something good or bad, right or wrong, then what logic is used while punishing drug dealers and traffickers? Either way, they end up seeming to say that only if more free tax money can be taken, should Americans stop going to jail for victimless crimes.
What are laws for? to protect us from what is evil and bad, or simply to get more tax money and power out of our hands? If our politicians are operating on a level of understanding in which those are interchangeable, I think it may be them who are bad and evil. They are at least corrupt in thought.  For more free tax money? what happened to the notion that America is a free country? where is that argument?
While many members of our government assert that we live in a free country, they usually avoid bringing up any reasons why it may not be  That is probably because of ignorant ego-centrism, as opposed to calculated cynicism. To them, it is a free country. Bill Clinton, Schwarzenegger, Obama, Cindy McCain, to name a few, have all admitted to having consumed illegal drugs. They even joke about their past drug usage. These are people who do, have, or aspired to occupy the highest of positions within our government. By joking about their own drug use, while not speaking for the need for major drug law reform, they indirectly advertise our own government's heartless hypocrisy. Some members bring it up but frame the issue using tax money. The suffering humanity is absent in these peoples equations.
As they experimented or worse, Cindy even having been caught stealing prescription narcotics, while joking about it other much lower members in the same government were busy throwing people in prison for life for the same or similar actions (in 2008 30,000?? people were in CA prisons on life sentences for nonviolent crimes). Our high officials brag about their drug use. They express their desire to one day collect free money (tax) from these sort of activities. To them it is not about victims of the law, after all, they are immune to that law. It doesn’t concern them. Why worry about the imprisonment and disenfranchisement of the lower-classes using similar logic, and similar drugs?
For those in that high political circle, what is more reprehensible, using their drug use for jokes or still passively allowing their citizenry to be jailed for the same drugs? What is more diabolical, officials contemplating legalizing drugs and prostitution for more free money, or still throwing the impoverished into prisons for having acted on similar ideas of self-benefit?
Those in high position continue to claim that there is no class system.  Yet when the poor get caught with a narcotic they have are banned from jobs in the public safety sector. A rich politician, on the other hand, admits to having done crack and still becomes president. The wealthy do not get watched nor caught, they can reach high office. The poor are policed to the point of having their bushes cut down so any tiny rocks of evidence can be used to convict them, they stay hopeless.
Again, a free and just country with no class system is really debated, only more free tax money.  Who are our representatives representing anyway?  The biggest and richest drug pushers are our pharmaceutical companies and what do they get from our representatives? They get our hard earned tax money via subsidies and a legal system that protects their billions in profits by allowing a perpetual monopoly on money-making drugs that force the poor to go without or find illegal alternatives.  What do our “Representatives” respond to?  you want them to listen, talk free money.  Most seem to care very little about thousands of families needlessly torn apart by prison, yet care very much abouts thousands of dollars still not being taxed.
A wise man once said that it is not punishment but the perception of legitimacy in one's own society which keeps one law-abiding.
Lets hope the media keeps the truth from the people just enough to keep us abiding.

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